Monday, July 21, 2008


Is it just me, or is the idea behind the "Father-Daughter Purity Ball" this article,,9171,1823930,00.html, totally creepy?


Patrick Burt said...

There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'm attending this weekend's Mother-Son He's-not-going-to-put-his-hand-down-his-pants ball.

Amanda Myers said...

I think that in your humorous response, you are getting to the core of the issue; parental involvement their adolescent's sex life.

I can only speak for my own experience, but I am quite happy that my parents didn't have any such illusions about "purity" or "chastity". I do remember discussing the topic with my mom; all she said was "You will feel a lot of strong emotions, so you should try to share that experience with someone that you trust and care about". I didn't make that choice until I was as adult, for my own reasons, and I think that was in part because I felt like it was my decision to make, and when I made it, it was for myself and my own reasons.

This is an interesting topic of discussion, given that Canada is raising the age of consent to 16, a move I personally disagree with.

I dislike the idea of a young woman being held to a standard of "purity", and that she can only have sex, even as an adult, when her father/pastor gives her permission or some societal expectation has been met. Why should anyone get such a say in an adult woman's choice in sex partners?

Why isn't a mom delegated the task of "giving away" her daughter's virginity; she's actually gone through the experience herself, I would think that she is better qualified.

I think that a woman's father certainly does set some standards and expectations for how she might interact with a future partner and gives her a basis for comparison for personality traits, and what she may or alternatively may not want in a future male partner. But actually "dating" your dad? Still creepy!